Riley Peterlinz


image Enjoying a savory pastry from The Cheese Board Bakery

Hi! I’m a researcher and engineer who is currently working on creative tooling with a startup in Hollywood.

Before this, I studied Computer Science and Physics at UC Berkeley. I was a Research Assistant at BAIR where I had the pleasure of working with Angjoo Kanazawa and Alyosha Efros on projects in 3D computer vision and neuroscience. I also had the fortune of working with Ren Ng on camera colorimetry. My research aspires to understand computational perception; studying how our eyes capture light, process it as visual information, and transform it into art — with downstream applications for filmmaking and animation.

If you’d like to see the movies that have shaped me, check out my Letterboxd. :)

Always happy to chat, feel free to reach out about movies/cameras/research/color/whatever!
email: rpeterlinz -at-


Evaluating the Perceptual Alignment between Generative Visual Models and Human Observers on 3D Shape Inferences

Tyler Bonnen, Riley Peterlinz, Angjoo Kanazawa, Alexei A. Efros
| Paper |
CCN 2024

Toon3D: Seeing Cartoons from New Perspectives

Ethan Weber*, Riley Peterlinz*, Rohan Mathur, Frederik Warburg, Alexei A. Efros, Angjoo Kanazawa
| Project Page | Paper | Code |
arXiv 2024